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Martin Laschkolnig delights his audience during a lecture in San Diego, USA
Lecture & amp; Seminar Topics Smart instead of hard – the principles of success How do you get top performance without burning yourself out? Experience the most important principles from 40 years of research that help people to live a successful and fulfilling life. We are not the victims of the circumstances – even if many believe that. Money alone does not make you happy. With this topic, Martin Laschkolnig brings heart and brain together – for better results and more fulfillment and fun while doing.
A highly inspirational and motivational lecture or interactive seminar (or building on each other), especially for the self-employed, entrepreneurs, networkers, sales teams and anyone who believes we deserve to experience more success and more enjoyment.
Strong from within – miracles „self-confidence“
Make the inner critic a coach and find the source of inner strength. So do the next steps full of confidence. What would be possible if we did not hold ourselves back? Live fulfilled, enthusiastic work!
In this topic, Martin Laschkolnig shows how you and your team can do small but effective things every day in a concrete and practicable way, so that the daily burden becomes easier, more efficient and engaging communication is communicated, and how I take responsibility for my life and for myself take over my results and reach them!
In an inspiring and entertaining way, experience how our thoughts and feelings have a massive impact on both the outcomes and the events we encounter in our lives.
Move mountains together
Self-confidence and self-esteem are the basis for every success, whether in your own life or in the leadership responsibility for a team. Learn in a practical and entertaining way how to exchange outside motivation, which is just a short-lived flash of fire, for a long-lasting intrinsic drive and change the climate for your team to make it possible for all employees.
Would not it be fantastic if
- rip off unjustified attacks, like water from the back of a duck?
- You approach new challenges with inner élan?
- communicate with others from an inner attitude of strength, joy and appreciation?
High commitment and innovativeness – whether with employees or oneself, can not be forced or bought – you have to earn them.
In this lecture, you will learn how to create a work or team environment in 5 steps that builds self-esteem and self-confidence, thus motivating and not damaging the motivation. Result: joy and achievement in your life and your enterprise. And best of all – most of these measures do not even cost money and have proven positive effects on stress resistance, employee turnover and sick leave.
Your participants will leave the lecture hall inspired and motivated, confident that each of them has everything needed to succeed.
Full energy for steel nerves
With 8 body points and an 80 second process to eliminate 80-100% stress, would probably be the dream of each. With the energy-psychological methods of the meridian-tapping this goes – and even mostly in self-application.
Martin Laschkolnig shows in a practical application how the process works, so that your team can negotiate in a more relaxed and focused manner, communicating better and more clearly, and getting setbacks faster and easier. Oh yes, and in case of a headache it often helps too. 😉
Four flexible formats – equally suitable for small and large groups
Lecture / Keynote
Let Martin Laschkolnig also introduce the principles for more fulfillment and success in your job and life to your audience or your employees.
Your participants will be inspired to start the day of the conference or leave the room inspired and motivated by a closing presentation, confident that each of them has everything needed to be successful.
With humor over the heart and the brain to do – with striking examples, inspiring stories and proven research results, this content will remain in the memory of the participants long after the event.Timeframe: approx. 45 – 120 minutes.
Keynote Experience
As the word „experience“ implies, this format allows participants to actively immerse and experience the content. A morning or afternoon with Martin Laschkolnig and the topic of your choice is the perfect beginning or end of a successful conference or conference.
In addition to the mix of humor, anecdotes and current research results from the regular keynote, interactive exercises lead to an energized atmosphere of mutual support and empathy, in which participants support each other in their desire for growth. Participants are actively involved in processes that experience the relevance of the content as an immediate and immediate experience. Due to the additional experience component is theZeitbedarf hier zwischen 2 und 4 Stunden.
Short seminar / workshop
This 4-6 hour workshop is great for small and large teams and collaborative groups. Interactive engagement with the content, supported by special working documents created for this format, allow all participants to experience new possibilities, which will be transferred to their own experience during the workshop. The content can be directly applied and experienced through powerful exercises.
intensive seminar
his seminar is offered both publicly and in-house – if you are determined to bid farewell to small gains and are interested in multiplying your and those of your team, then this is your format. People and teams who want or need to achieve peak performance on an ongoing basis can interactively learn the key competencies that enable them to integrate all areas of their being and remove all blockages and (conscious or unconscious) stumbling blocks. Includes extensive documentation.
We are happy to work with you to develop a program tailored to your audience – we are happy to provide you with event information and further information. Please use our contact form or call us on +43 732 890136:
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